Throughout history, humans have been known to experiment with various substances to achieve altered states of consciousness. But humans are not alone in their pursuit of a high. It turns out that animals too, have a proclivity for seeking out psychoactive substances.

One such example is the story of the "Cocaine Bear." In 1985, a black bear in Georgia stumbled upon a stash of cocaine dropped from a drug smuggler's airplane. The bear ingested the cocaine and died from an overdose. This bizarre incident highlights the dangerous and sometimes deadly consequences that can result from human activities that impact animals.

Another example of animals seeking out psychoactive substances comes from the unlikely source of wallabies. In Australia, wallabies have been known to raid poppy fields, which are used to produce opium. The wallabies, attracted to the poppies for their sweet nectar, eat the plants and then, in a drugged-out state, wander aimlessly in circles.

Other animals have been observed getting high on various substances. For example, elephants have been known to seek out fermented fruits to achieve a state of inebriation. Similarly, reindeer have been observed consuming magic mushrooms, which contain psychoactive compounds.

While the idea of animals getting high may seem amusing or even fascinating, it is important to remember that these incidents are not without consequences. As human activities continue to impact the natural world, we must take responsibility for the potential harm that we can cause to animals.

In conclusion, the history of animals getting high is a reminder that humans are not the only ones with a desire to alter their consciousness. However, it is important to approach this topic with caution and care. As we continue to learn more about the impact of human activities on the environment, it is essential that we prioritize the well-being of all living beings, including animals.